Monthly Auspicious Day Puja (Dakang)

Every month, coinciding with the 15th day of the Tibetan Lunar Calendar, a day long invocation ritual dedicated to the protectors of our monastery is conducted. If there aren’t any sponsor for it, the monastic office would bear the expenses.

Lamp Offering

Enlisting the Names of Sponsors of the Lamps Outside the administrative office, lights are lit every night in front of the frame enshrining images of one thousand Buddha Shakyamuni. Names of the sponsors who contributed more than Rs. 2000 are

Central Administration

  Monastic activities and curriculum are conducted under the direction of the so called Uchoesum or the Three Pillar of the monastery that compromises of the abbot, the disciplinarian and the chanting master. They have the most prominent roles in

Education Development Committee

Introduction:With the aim of preserving and promoting the rich doctrine of Buddhism through study, contemplation and meditation, Sera Mey Monastery was initially founded by Kunkyen Jangchup Bhumpa in 1942; he was the first abbot of Sera Mey. The present abbot

Sera Mey Library

Sera Mey Library was established with the sole aim of providing the needs of the students and not with any business intention. The library publishes Dharma books and produces CDs to listen to the teachings of His Holiness, other Lamas,

Sera Mey Student’s Incentive Fund

In Tibet – prior to 1959 – Sera Mey had an incentive fund that helped many poor monks in their difficult years of intensive study. However, due to Tibet’s occupation by P.R.C, this could not be continued in exile as

Sera Mey Asian Classic Input Project

Previous Next For the survival and continuation of the Buddha Dharma, Geshe Lobsang Choenzi founded this Asian Classic Input Computer Project. This computer project preserves wide ranges of Buddhist literatures so that they could be preserved for the future. Those

Sera Mey Hermitage

Previous Next As per the wishes of His Holiness the Dalai Lama and the sacred tradition of Buddha Dharma, a meditation centre has been constructed specifically for those monks of Sera Men Monastery after the completion of their studies of

Sera Mey Provision of Pure Drinking Water

Previous Next At the request of the most venerable ex-abbot Khensur Rinpoche Ngawang Thekchok, Mr. Lu and his family sponsored the water plant that provides purified and treated drinking water to all the monks of Sera Mey. As it is


To get admitted to a monastery, first one must find a resident teacher whose role is like a guide and a caretaker. After being accepted by a college or a khangtsen and if a resident teacher is found, he would